www.lightrail.nl/kuehn - Lund

Lund's "5 cities in 2.5 days" 10/2006

This study-tour which has been organised for Lund Municipality (on behalf of other cities and organisations in the region) is a very good example for a tough, condensed programme in just 3 days.

After initial discussions the client decided for a programme involving Saarbruecken, Heidelberg, Karlsruhe, Strasbourg and Mulhouse, focussing on modern tramways and TramTrain in medium sized cities. The group of 13 participants arrived on Wednesday 18th at lunchtime in Frankfurt airport and left from there again on Friday 20th in the evening!

The programme included the construction sites of Riegelsberg in Saarbruecken and Kirchheim in Heidelberg, thus two tough projects in narrow village type corridors showing what's possible! Quick visits in Karlsruhe and Strasbourg have been "compensated" by an extended visit to Mulhouse involving also a presentation by SITRAM about their project.

The study-tour got very good feedback from the client / the group - the only slight criticism was regarding a limited contact with local stakeholders. However, that's the price for visiting 5 cities in 2.5 days - one just does not have the time for many time consuming presentations and not always local contacts are available "just on time" for one hour on a specific day!


"www.lightrail.nl/kuehn" - Page of Axel Kühn, hosted by LRNL & designed by RVDB
Information: please contact Kuehn.Axel@web.de

(C) Axel Kuehn